Breaking the Cycle of Violence
Through Forgiveness
Breaking the Cycle presents award-winning assemblies that feature personal stories of overcoming conflict through forgiveness. Our assemblies, whether in-person or live online, support your schools' social-emotional learning goals – and can come at no cost to your school, although donations are welcome. Our speakers present examples of core competencies such as social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making from their own lives, which readily elicit discussion opportunities in the classroom.
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“I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”
—Abraham Lincoln
Social-emotional learning
A panel of dynamic speakers present solutions to:
Schedule an Assembly
What is Breaking the Cycle?
Let our speakers help your students develop the foundational emotional skills needed to resolve conflict and build healthy relationships in today's challenging social environment.
How We Got Started
Colleen McVey of CFN Live interviews Heinrich Arnold, son of the founder of Breaking the Cycle, who speaks of his father's legacy.
Minisink Valley High School
Tomorrow's assembly is at Minisink Valley High School in Slate Hill NY. This picture is from the last time we were there, in November of 2017. This time Pat & Annmarie D'Aliso and Randi Kelder will present their stories in the auditorium for 500 10-11 grade students.
Forgiveness saved my life. I could have gone down the path of drugs and anger when Ryan died. I found Breaking the Cycle and I learned that I needed to forgive myself. —Randi Kelder
Middletown NY High School
Hashim Garrett, as well as Chief Charlie Williams, spoke to 550 9th grade students in Middletown NY on the morning of December 13. In the afternoon they repeated the assembly for 550 10th graders. Hashim told his story of learning to forgive the boy who shot and paralyzed him at age fifteen.
So they say forgiveness is a gift you give yourself and so I don't forgive this kid so that he, Gavin, got a life. I forgive him so that I got a better life. —Hashim Garrett
Middletown NY High School
Hashim and Randi Kelder told their stories on December 12 at Middletown NY High School, first for 550 11th grade students, then 550 grade 12 students. This photo is Program Director Tim Maendel introducing Breaking the Cycle to the second group.
Middle School 419Q
On December 4 Isa Islam and the Breaking the Cycle team were at Middle School 419 at The Tommie L. Agee Ed Campus in Queens for three (count 'em, three!) assemblies. Isa shared with the 6, 7, and 8th grades how he was injured subway surfing at age 17. Each grade has around 200 students in this diverse school.
“Please save yourself a ticket to death! Please do not do subway surf! Your family loves you!" —Isa Islam
Twin Towers Middle School
On November 26 we were at Twin Towers Middle School in Middletown NY for two assemblies. Pat & AnnMarie D'Aliso and Randi Kelder told their stories to 310 7th grade students, and then 530 6th and 8th grade students.
Sergeant Eric Huchital, from the Orange County Sheriff's Office, confirmed what the speakers had said. "I am here to underline the message. Its real, it's happened, and I have been the one to deliver these messages about loved ones to families."